Thursday, 19 April 2012

SELF- PRESERVATION. A Strategy to Pass-Time and Enjoy what I have and how little I have. A measurement of love to my being. Enjoy what you do and work to love what you do. I go to church for "EVENTS" and I walk to strengthen my vitality. PERSEVERANCE to fight BOREDOM each and every passing day.

My past-time is to walk out for ICE-CREAMS !!!!!!!! I really love it and enjoy myself and I LOVE ICE-CREAMS !!!!!!!

I can eat this at Aeon Rawang also at a walking distance quite far away but I can manage myself with my walking shoes. All I need to do was to look out for cars and refrain from getting into an accident with an oncoming vehicle. Pedestrian crossings are fine. I bring my umbrella as self-defence against predators and to shield myself against the rain. My wallet must be full and I must be good at balancing my accounts. I do marketing for my Mom who loves me a lot and I praise God for Mom. I have my pocket money allowance every month and I have learnt the art of saving as well as maintaining my wealth. I worked hard to earn my money and I do my duties well. I am also a filial daughter and I respect my father who pays for the food at restaurants and my mom who cooks so well. I do not disturbed my brother and I found LOVE in a HOPELESS PLACE which is the internet, but rest assured, I do nothing to stay safe from harm and disaster and I don't entertain MEN.

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